CrossMed Careers
Privacy Policy
I certify that the answers and information set out above are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that if any answer or information is not true, accurate or complete, I may not be hired, or if hired, I may be discharged. I authorize CrossMed Health, or its agents, to investigate all statements contained in this application for employment and to investigate my character and qualifications. I authorize my prior employers, references, and others with information regarding my work or educational history or my character, to provide CrossMed Health, or its agents, with all requested information and references, and to cooperate fully with the investigation of my character and qualifications.
I understand that this application is not a contract of employment. I also acknowledge that no oral representations have been made, and that no one within CrossMed Health has the authority to make oral contracts of employment. If hired, my employment relationship with CrossMed Health is terminable at-will, with or without cause, by either myself or CrossMed Health.
I also understand that any offer of employment may be conditional upon my passing a pre-employment physical examination and drug/alcohol test administered by a health care professional selected by CrossMed Health to which I hereby consent.
I understand and agree to all of the conditions and statements set forth above, and throughout this application.